We're Getting Married
Carneros Resort & Spa,
Napa Valley
Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023

About Us
Welcome to our wedding website!
We're Kaitlin and Sam, the lucky couple tying the knot. We're basically the poster children for "opposites attract." I'm a neat freak who color-codes my closet, and Sam's idea of cleaning is throwing everything into a pile and calling it a day.
We've known each other practically our whole lives. Racheal, Sam's sister, and I have been friends since elementary school and best friends since high school. Sam was always Racheal's big, older, annoying brother who hung out in the garage working on his Mustang. It wasn't until Racheal went off to Long Beach for college that we started hanging out more, and let me tell you, Sam was still... Racheal's much bigger, older, annoying brother.
The 49ers were playing their last season at Candlestick, and I wanted to go one last time. The tickets were expensive, but Sam had asked me out a few times, and this time, I said yes. I gave him one condition: if he took me to the game and ensured I'd be warm, I'd go with him, but it wouldn't be a date. (Spoiler alert: it totally was a date.)
On the morning of December 8th, 2013, he picked me up for the game and took me straight to Starbucks for a warm Zebra Mocha, his favorite at the time. When we got to the game, the cab of his truck was like a Mary Poppins bag. He pulled out chairs, canopies, flags with flag poles, ice chests, and the list goes on. But what came next was the move of all moves: a fire pit to keep me warm.
From that day on, we became inseparable. We've been dating for almost a decade now, making memories and building a life together. Our love story is full of moments like this, and we can't wait to spend our lives making more. We're beyond excited to celebrate our love with our friends and family, and we promise to keep things interesting. Who knows what kind of shenanigans we'll get up to next?

“To the world you are one person, but to one person you are the world”.
Travel & Stay